Joseph Hoare Gastronomic Writer-in-Residence

The widely loved Joseph Hoare, former food editor of Toronto Life magazine, was immensely supportive of young writers interested in food and gastronomy, writers such as James Chatto, Lucy Waverman and John Allemang.


After Mr. Hoare’s death in 1997, his family chose to honour his lifelong passion for food and food writing by means of an endowment to the innovative Gastronomic Writer-in-Residence Program at Stratford Chefs School, later renamed the Joseph Hoare Gastronomic Writer-in-Residence Program (JHGWIR).

The Role of the Joseph Hoare Gastronomic Writer in Residence (JHGWIR)

During their annual two-week residence in Stratford, the JHGWIR leads workshops about food writing, provides one-on-one consultations with students who are interested in food writing, and presents readings and discussions of their work to both students and the public, with the overall goal of contributing to a well-rounded education for students, a primary objective of the School.

The JHGWIR advances food writing as an important source of knowledge about food culture, and helps engage students and the public in experiencing, enjoying and understanding the gastronomy of our time.

Former Toronto Life magazine food editor Joseph Hoare

Joseph Hoare

Ann Hui, JHGWIR 2023

Joseph Hoare Gastronomic Writer in Residence 2023 ANN HUI

As The Globe and Mail’s demographics reporter, Ann Hui writes on the seismic shift taking place in the country’s demographic makeup. She’s particularly interested in the challenges Canada faces from its rapidly aging population, on the effects of Millennials and Gen-Zs outnumbering other demographic groups in the workplace, and the impacts of record numbers of immigrants entering the country.

Previously, she covered food, Toronto city politics and national news at The Globe and Mail. As the Globe’s food reporter, she and colleague Ivy Knight were behind a 2018 investigation that revealed a wide pattern of sexual harassment and misconduct at one of the country’s most renowned wineries.

And her reporting on the economic (and animal welfare) realities of cage-free egg production was nominated for a 2016 National Newspaper Award.

In 2019, Ann expanded a Globe feature on the lives of small-town Chinese restaurant owners into the bestselling book Chop Suey Nation: The Legion Cafe and Other Stories from Canada’s Chinese Restaurants, published by Douglas & McIntyre. Chop Suey Nation was named one of the best books of 2019 by the Globe, The Walrus, and the CBC, and won the 2020 Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction from Wilfrid Laurier University.

Past Joseph Hoare Gastronomic Writers-in-Residence

The intersection of education, hospitality and passion at which the School staff live and work is phenomenal, and the dedication and care that they each bring to every aspect of their role at the Chefs School is the reason that this institution is so special.

– JONATHON FARRELL | Class of 2023 Valedictorian

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