Food Career Options: Webinar

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food career options webinar stratford chefs school

A Path to Diverse Career Directions

More than a culinary school, Stratford Chefs School is a path to many food career options in the hospitality industry, from artisanal food producer to recipe tester, to executive chef, to restaurateur. Learn more about how our unique 32-week program, its expert instructors, and our renowned guest chefs can help open up career options for you.

Students experience our highly regarded, hands-on curriculum in Stratford, a small city with easy access to local farm-fresh ingredients, and an unmatched culture of food and art appreciation.

Compelling Career Stories

While chef is the most obvious career path goal to pursue after culinary school, there are actually many different directions within the field of hospitality you can take. After completing their classical training in the culinary arts, Stratford Chefs School graduates have gone on to food careers that include food writers, recipe testers and developers, restaurateurs, sommeliers, entrepreneurs, chef-owners, caterers, instructors and more.

In this webinar video, you will meet some Stratford Chefs School Alumni and other culinary leaders who have gone in very interesting and diverse directions in their careers. You'll hear their compelling food career stories and explore further some of the possibilities that classical culinary training can offer.

What are the Possibilities? Watch Video Webinar

Alumni Guest Speakers

Donna Borooah (Class of 2016)

Former Chef Instructor DISH Cooking School, Recipe Developer and Contributor for Hello Fresh, Chatelaine and the LCBO's Food & Drink Magazine | Click image below to watch Donna's video segment.

Anna Marano (Class of 2017) and Simon Briggs (Class of 2011)

Co-Owners & Chefs, The Panetteria Bakery, Amherstberg, Ontario | Click image below to watch Anna and Simon's video segment.

Bob Blumer | 2021 Stratford Chefs School Writer-in-Residence

Author, Artist, Creator and host Surreal Gourmet and Glutton For Punishment on Food Network Canada | Click image below to watch Bob's video segment.

Mel Athulathmudali (Class of 2016)

Flight Director and Catering Consultant Air Transat, Catering Company Owner, Food Educator Strata Montessori School | Click image below to watch Mel's video segment.

Panel Discussion | Topics

What is the value of a formal education in the culinary arts?

What kinds of opportunities are open to those who pursue classical culinary training at Stratford Chefs School?

How are longstanding equity issues being addressed in the hospitality industry?

What is the culture of the School and of Stratford like?

What is a typical day at the School like?

How is the method-based Curriculum structured, and what are the benefits?

Industry Panelists

Amanda Bradley, Former SCS Service Instructor, Co-Founder Alo Restaurant, Co-Owner Vela Restaurant

Ryan Donovan (Class of 2005) | Co-Owner Richmond Station

Carrie Rau (Class of 2004) | Senior Recipe Developer and Tester, Co-Founder Vinequity

Randi Rudner (Class of 2012) | Core Instructor, SCS Program Manager and Curriculum Developer

Eric Robertson (Class of  2011), Co-owner and chef, Restaurant Pearl Morissette

Jordan Mazzanti | Sommelier Langdon Hall, former SCS Wine Instructor

Moderator: Jeffrey Leney, former Admissions Liaison, Stratford Chefs School

Watch Webinar Panel Discussion

Click image below to watch video Panel Discussion segment.


Stratford Chefs School is a not-for-profit Career College focused on the innovative, hands-on training of high-quality, aspiring Chefs and Culinary Entrepreneurs. The School’s vision is to be the primary training and education source of choice for tomorrow’s culinary leaders, and to train students with a culture code of excellence, innovation, collaboration, and respect.

Established in 1983, Stratford Chefs School has set the standard of excellence for culinary training in Canada, graduating nearly 900 alumni who contribute to a distinctive Canadian cuisine. The unique Apprenticeship program provides students with a thorough grounding in the theory and practice of classical cuisines and the business elements of operating successful restaurants in today’s market. Stratford Chefs School is one of Canada’s most successful and respected culinary institutions and is continually evolving to meet the needs of its students and the culinary community.

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