Learn About Food
Stratford Chefs School offers a wide variety of recreational Open Kitchen Cooking Classes for the public at the School’s professional kitchens for enthusiastic home cooks, keen children and their parents, and those seeking to refine their skills in a specific culinary area. Classes are offered in the off-season, from March through early October with Chef Instructor Eli Silverthorne. While in-person, hands-on training is always the best option, we're happy to share some quick Open Kitchen video tips for you to learn about food at home. Today you will learn how to make a French Folded Omelette! Bon Appetit!

Essential Eggs
Eggs are indispensable to the modern professional kitchen, and much more than a great way to “start one’s day.” Eggs can be prepared deliciously on their own in a variety of classical ways: pan fried, scrambled, poached, hard boiled, and more. In addition, eggs play an important supporting role in numerous forms, from the lecithin found in the yolks which aids in emulsification, or the meringue principle of the white; the coagulation (thickening) or leavening (aeration) principles are a trick card in the back pocket of all professional chefs.
Learn How to Make a French Folded Omelette
Chef Eli Silverthorne, Stratford Chefs School Instructor and Open Kitchen Program Manager, demonstrates in this video from his home kitchen how to make a French folded omelette. Review the recipes and written instructions below, and then watch the video demo, which can be paused at any time as needed.
Chef Eli's Video Demonstration
Recipe and Written Instructions
Follow the written instructions below and watch Chef Eli's video demonstration to learn how to make a classic French folded Omelette at home, perfect for brunch!
French Folded Omelette with Grilled Asparagus, Mushrooms, Herbed Tomato
Recipe Serves One
3 eggs
1 TBS butter
To Taste Salt and Pepper
Mix eggs with fork or whisk until frothy, season with salt and pepper.
Melt butter in omelette pan, until frothy and nearly browned.
Add eggs and stir briskly with flat side of fork until starts to thicken.
Quickly pull egg that sets on the side of pan to the centre, tipping pan to allow uncooked pan to pour to the sides.
Continue pulling sides to centre until omelette is lightly set.
Stop stirring and do not let egg brown on bottom; if you are adding a filling, add at this point.
Folding the Omelette
Hold pan handle in one hand and tip pan away from you.
Give handle a sharp tap with other hand; to tap far edge inward (or corelle in using the same fork as previous)
Invert pan: tilt omelette out onto warmed plate so seam side is down.
Shape into elliptical “Eye” shape using clean towel.
Brush with melted butter and fresh herbs (or serve plain).
Omelette Garnish
1.5 lb Mushrooms (sautéed as explained below)
1 bunch Asparagus, blanched
3 TBS Canola oil
To Taste Salt and Pepper
1/2 pt Cherry Tomatoes, halved
1 TBS herb Oil
To Taste Salt and Pepper
Slice tomato: season with oil, salt, pepper, grill on high heat to char.
Blanch asparagus, cool, coat lightly in oil; season, then grill to char.
Wash and halve cherry tomatoes
— dress lightly in herbed oil, adding a touch of vinegar if necessary.
— season with salt and pepper, reserve.
Sautéed Mushrooms
1.5 lb Cremini Mushrooms, cut into quarters
2 TBS Butter
1 Shallot, minced
1 clove Garlic, rasped
2 tsp Thyme, chopped
60 ml Dry White Wine
Core/wipe/chop mushrooms – pick thyme – rasp garlic
Heat large frying pan – add butter to melt – then add mushrooms
Cook over med-high heat till moisture releases
Add shallot – cook down until almost dry (au sec)
Add garlic – cook till fragrant approx. 1 min
Add thyme and white wine – deglaze to release fronde (bits on bottom of pan) then cook down until almost dry yet again; serve warm or reserve & reheat.
Recipe courtesy of SCS Open Kitchen Program Manager and Chef Instructor Eli Silverthorne.
More Information
Learn more about our Open Kitchen recreational cooking classes, Student Chef Dinners and other events.
Learn more about our Enriched Cook Apprenticeship 32 week program.