What’s for Dinner? | International Inspirations Menus + Pick up | Meet the newest members of the SCS Team, and more, in our weekly update!
What’s for Dinner? | International Inspirations Menus | Women of the Year Honours for SCS staff, and more, in our weekly update!
The School Year Begins! | What’s for Dinner: Modern Classics Dinners start Tuesday | SCS Nominees for Women of the Year, and more in our weekly update for October 16-22.
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!
Our Fall Program Begins | Introducing: Take Home Prix Fixe Dinners | Modern Classics Menus and more, in our weekly update!
Book Now! Modern Classics Dinners begin October 20th | Chef Eli’s Tips: Pizza Dough | Open Kitchen @ Home and more, in our Weekly Update.
Alumni Feature: Cody Wideman, The Mill Stone | Chef Eli’s Tips: Beef Tenderloin Butchery | Open Kitchen @ Home and more, in our Weekly Update!
Alumni Feature: Matt Kendrick | Chef Eli’s Tips: Bacon | SCS Dinner News | Open Kitchen @ Home and more, in our Weekly Update!
Alumni Feature + Recipe: Cory Vitiello | Kitchen Tips from Chef Eli | Open Kitchen @ Home and more, in our weekly update!
In this week’s Quick Kitchen Tips video, Chef Instructor Eli Silverthorne demonstrates in under 5 minutes how easy it is to make homemade Ricotta Cheese.
Eat well this Labour Day Weekend | Kitchen Tips from Chef Eli | Open Kitchen @ Home and more, in our weekly update!
Apply by September 1 for The Bruce Hotel Scholarship | Kitchen Tips from Chef Eli | Open Kitchen @ Home and more, in our weekly update!