Perfect for Barbecue Season, try this recipe from SCS Alumni, Chef Sean Collins (Chef/Co-Owner of Stratford’s The Red Rabbit, Old Man & Son, Okazu 85 Downie)!
Chef Cameron Stauch (SCS Class of 1999) recommends this recipe as an intro to his book “Vegetarian Viet Nam”. It’s bursting with fresh herbal flavours, crunchy textures and a sweet chili dressing. Most of the ingredients can be found at major grocers (Vietnamese coriander may require a trip to Chinatown)…
I was born in the Okanagan, and moved to Ontario at a fairly young age. I have great memories of my grandpa standing behind the grill on a hot summer day, surrounded by orchards and mountains. His favourite meal was a mixed grill…
Somewhere between mankind’s harnessing of fire and Escoffier, it was decided that people who work with food should wear white… Consequently, we culinary students spend a surprising amount of time discussing stain removal!
It’s difficult to talk about your teachers without sounding like a colossal seat-smoocher, but I’m going to risk it. One of the things I really love about working with our chef instructors is the amount of effort all of them put into making each dinner exceptional for every guest. ..
Originally from Brantford, Eric Robertson has always had an agrarian passion. After graduating from SCS in 2011, he spent time cooking in France and then in Belgium, where he met fellow chef Daniel Hadida, who had a similar culinary background and passions….
Our class had the extraordinary opportunity to try some very old wines from Bordeaux that Chef Ian Middleton generously shared from his father George’s collection. As interesting as the wine was in flavours and complexity, for me, the most fascinating part of the afternoon came with the stories and the history they illustrated…
Our 2019 International Chef in Residence Ryan Brown (Class of 2006) still uses this recipe from his SCS days!
I was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec in a family that celebrated food on a daily basis. I was always fortunate enough to have one of my parents at home with me growing up, so I made impromptu lunches and dinners from scratch with Dad or baked cheesecakes or cupcakes with Mom. Cooking was always a job, but never entered my mind as a career opportunity until I discovered the Stratford Chefs School, where I graduated before my 20th birthday…
I was born in Lerwick, Scotland and grew up near Aberdeen. I was interested in cooking at a young age, watching my mother cook. After traveling and working in many pubs I came to Canada in 2005, and graduated from the Stratford Chefs School in 2011…
With the Escoffier at the Ritz dinner fast approaching, I wanted to draw your attention to something special: a set of silver serving trays we use in the dining room … but the fact that they’re beautiful and made of real silver are only tiny parts of what makes them so special…
Earlier this month, during one of the coldest weeks of this winter, students at the Stratford Chefs School were lucky enough to experience some Italian warmth thanks to a visit from Chef Gino Minacapilli. He was here as our second and final International Guest Chef in Residence for this year. He is a chef and teacher at a school of hospitality in the region of Piedmont, an area of Italy renowned for the production of Barolo and Barbaresco wines, truffles and many other Italian delicacies.