In our Weekly Update: Don’t Miss our CBC TV Debut in Pass the Salt: World Premiere January 17 | Save the Date: SCS Kitchen Party March 6 | March Break Explorer Course | Spring-Summer Open Kitchen Classes & more!
Happy New Year! | 2020 Canadian Guest Chefs Announced | Book Now!
Merry Christmas From SCS | Alumnus Chef Ryan O’Donnell’s Holiday Recipes for you | Friends & Family Offer for early January Dinners – Book Soon!
Our Alumni are doing exciting things in Canada and around the world!
Alumnus Miles Pundsack-Poe’s passion for food began during secondary school programs that specialized in organic farming, sustainability and localized community. Originally from Guelph, Ontario…
Enjoy this Chilled Cucumber Gazpacho with Crème Fraiche on a hot summer day!
I always knew I wanted to own my own business. One of my early jobs was working in a small café in Stratford, where I grew up. I worked there before and after school throughout high school and fell in love with cooking and decided this was the direction I would go. After working in numerous restaurants in Stratford and attending Stratford Chefs School, I traveled to the west coast to work at the Sooke Harbour House where my passion for creating menus and thinking outside of the box flourished…
I remember cooking alongside my grandmother as a child and feeling very at home in the kitchen. She would cook soups from scratch and hand-make pierogies all afternoon. I apprenticed at The Old Prune with Chef Bryan Steele and over the past decade I have been the Head Chef at Pazzo Stratford, Mercer Hall and The Red Rabbit. In 2018 we opened Old Man & Son, a new place to eat breakfast in Stratford.
Well friends, our school year has come to a close.
As we’re all preparing for our next adventures, I want to offer a little support to our first-year friends going into their apprenticeships…
Somewhere between mankind’s harnessing of fire and Escoffier, it was decided that people who work with food should wear white… Consequently, we culinary students spend a surprising amount of time discussing stain removal!
It’s difficult to talk about your teachers without sounding like a colossal seat-smoocher, but I’m going to risk it. One of the things I really love about working with our chef instructors is the amount of effort all of them put into making each dinner exceptional for every guest. ..
Originally from Brantford, Eric Robertson has always had an agrarian passion. After graduating from SCS in 2011, he spent time cooking in France and then in Belgium, where he met fellow chef Daniel Hadida, who had a similar culinary background and passions….
Our class had the extraordinary opportunity to try some very old wines from Bordeaux that Chef Ian Middleton generously shared from his father George’s collection. As interesting as the wine was in flavours and complexity, for me, the most fascinating part of the afternoon came with the stories and the history they illustrated…