Corbin Mathany, Executive Chef of Hudson’s on First in Duncan, British Columbia, graduated from the Stratford Chefs School in 2012. He was also recently featured in an issue of Boulevard Lifestyle.
In October 2017, we were lucky to partner with Digiwriting Book Marketing to host Appetite for Words Festival: A literary festival with a culinary twist. Joining us that weekend to promote her book I Hear She’s a Real Bitch was Toronto’s own, Jen Agg. Notorious for calling out “bro culture” in the restaurant industry, she is blazing a new trail for women in kitchens.
This recipe is adapted from Paul Bertolli and Alice Waters’ Chez Panisse Cooking, although there are innumerable variations on this French bistro classic. This dish is at its very best with thin baby leeks, but can absolutely made with larger leeks halved lengthwise.
As dreary March gives way to spring, you might even consider adapting this recipe to early asparagus, making sure to blanch the green spears ever so lightly, and dressing them in the vinaigrette rather than marinating them, so that they retain their brilliant green colour.
Ryan Donovan, Co-owner of Richmond Station in Toronto, graduated from the Stratford Chefs School in 2005. He returns every year with Richmond Station Chef (and fellow SCS Alumnus), Carl Heinrich, to close out our Canadian Guest Chef dinner series.
Carl Heinrich, Executive Chef and Co-owner of Richmond Station in Toronto (and Top Chef Canada Season 2 Winner), graduated from the Stratford Chefs School in 2005. We welcome him back every year to close out the season, and this year is no different as he joins us on March 1st and 2nd for our Canadian Guest Chef series. Find out how you can make a reservation at the bottom of this page.
It is not particularly easy to tease a dinner menu out of a work of fiction, even when cooking and sharing food figures prominently in the story itself. Five Roses, by Alice Zorn is an engrossing story of the complicated relationships and histories between four women living, loving and working in St. Henri, a working-class neighbourhood in Montreal.
As new cooks, we are constantly learning: techniques, flavours, equipment we’ve never seen or used before. Everything is fresh and exciting and we want to excel with them all. Skill, knowledge and experience are all required to be a good chef, but knowing how to use them with refinement is what makes a great one.